
For over 75 years, DEVELOP has been your trusted partner in innovation. We haven't just designed office communication solutions – we've designed them with you in mind to make your everyday work life easier and more efficient. The future holds exciting new chapters, not just for DEVELOP but also for your business success story. Together, we harness cutting-edge printing and software solutions to unlock new levels of efficiency, empower your workforce, and propel your business to new heights.


To further strengthen its market position, DEVELOP GmbH has merged with Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH and Konica Minolta Business Solutions Deutschland GmbH.

This amalgamation provides even more comprehensive solutions for DEVELOP, allowing for more powerful and intuitive software devices and solutions, amplifying the opportunities for B2B printing and document workflows.


DEVELOP continues to be a leading European supplier of colour printing and office communication systems. The company is innovative and influential in shaping future office communications technology.

The company's customer service extends beyond analysis and recommendations. It includes evaluations, solution designs and ongoing support, aiming to boost productivity in customers' document production and management processes.


DEVELOP expanded its operations, with over 300 specialist outlets in Germany and sold  products in 60 countries worldwide.

DEVELOP became a leading provider of colour and black-and-white multifunctional print systems. The decade saw new device launches, including the QC 1500/QC 2000 with tandem technology. The flagship ineo and ineo+ series offered excellent print quality and cost efficiency, supported by software solutions and services. The ineo+ 6500 entered the entry-level production market, while DEVELOP also focused on systems for small offices and retailers.


DEVELOP is fully integrated into the Minolta Group and DEVELOP GmbH established as a service and trading company with 120 employees. DEVELOP launches the first digital b/w copier on the market – the D3000iD – followed by the first digital colour device a year later. The DFC 100 is launched.


DEVELOP develops the world’s smallest automatic copier – the DEVELOP 10 – and receives six international awards for progressive design. DEVELOP signs a partnership agreement with Minolta and from then on produces all small and medium-sized machines for the European market. The DEVELOP 100 is launched and more than 100,000 copiers are produced.


DEVELOP launches its first small automatic workplace copier, the Series 33 “Volkskopierer”, and also enters the US market. DEVELOP develops the first device for use with standard paper, the DEVELOP 66.1.


Electrostatics revolutionises copying technology. DEVELOP is the only manufacturer to offer machines for every process: diffusion, electrostatics, dual-spectral and offset printing.


The “economic miracle” gets underway in West Germany. 16 patents and 39 licences are issued for “Blitz” copiers and DEVELOP is already marketing its products in 87 countries. DEVELOP produces the first advertising photographs for the “Blitz” copier and the DEVELOP “Kombi”: “Two minutes for one copy.”

21 June 1948

DEVELOP is founded by Dr. Walter Eisbein, Konrad Kral and Arno Lippinghoff. The first production plant is an old factory building in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen. Dr. Eisbein develops a world-first, the “Blitz” copier DEVELOP D 10.